Tree inside my window

This antiques store near my house had a bunch of old windows for sale, so I figured I'd experiment. This tree is made from tissue paper. In retrospect, it would have been more ironic to do a weeping willow. Maybe next time.
Anyway, my friend Erin is going to display this in her room at at Studio G. Hip-hip hooray!

When it's not back-lit:

I sanded and repainted the front of the frame, but I left the sides alone. I like the rope. :)

Junk mail wreath

I bought this wreath after Christmas last year because it was 219% off or something. The mission: to decorate it without spending money.

I decided to do something with junk mail, so I cut strips from a grocery store mailer:

and rolled them into tight curls:

I let loose the curls and attached them to the wreath by bending the tips of the branches into small hooks:

BAM! Junk mail wreath!

Birds in a tree

These paintings are on some scrap wood I had leftover from another project. The birds and tree branches are painted, and I cut out shapes from magazines to form the birds' wings and the tree leaves. Buttons are used for the birds' eyes. I'll have these at Artpool's holiday arts and crafts show Dec. 19.

Bird friends on a limb:

Mom and babies:

Birds in a tree:

Blooming records

These blooming record sculptures are made from old albums, melted and then painted in the center. The stems are metal candle sticks. Buttons and telephone wire connect the flowers to the stems.

Don't throw out your old tapes!

I found a box of my tapes from high school. Most of them had either melted, broken, or already been replaced by CD or iTunes. I couldn't throw the sleeves away, though. So many hours of teenage auditory angst! So here's my high school tapes collage:

Wind in a jar

I have an obsession with wind chimes. Whenever I see stray objects, I just want to string them together and hang them up. (So don't put your keys down around me.)

This one is made from an old jar, vintage hardware from kitchen cabinets, buttons and some pieces of colored glass. It's all held together with fishing line.

Run, Jessica, run!

My friend Jessica is a big-time runner, and her coach made her this board to stretch her legs during her warm-up. She asked me to paint it; thus, the sunflower stretching board. To keep her foot from sliding off of it, I used sandpaper for the leaves and the center of the flowers.

Easy dress

I picked up this super sweet polyester fabric at a local thrift store. The dress is three pieces of material - two bottom trapezoid-y pieces make up the empire-waist skirt and one long rectangular piece was sewn into a tube top and attached. In all, the dress probably took a yard of fabric, and the polyester was stretchy enough that I didn't need darts. A more motivated person could embellish the top and hem with ribbon or something fabulous. :)

Recycling old picture frames

My mom gave me a bunch of old frames when she redecorated her house last year. I added a few others I had gathered and set out to make a hanging divider for my carport/back porch area.

Here's what I started with:

I painted the frames with leftover exterior house paint and then went over them with a final coat of high-gloss spray paint. Once they were dry, I arranged them and bound everything with some telephone wire a coworker gave me.

When I was ready to hang it all up, I connected the four top frames to a stabilizing metal rod (from the fencing aisle at Home Depot). I put up five or six nails and ... voila!

I made the frame divider to fit in front of this bamboo screen thing. Because the screen is a little too short, I spray-painted this piece of scrap wood to put at the bottom. I used weeds pulled out of my yard for stencils.

Etsy shop is updated!

I added some of the leftovers from the Heroes and Heroines show. So if you're looking for random wall art, check it out:

Dancing in the spotlight

My friends Phil and Nikki love to watch the dancing on TV. I made this for them out of old magazines, vintage music sheets and wrapping paper.

It is about 2 by 3 feet.

Baby got back!

Recovering with Daniela

Daniela and I got crazy and recovered this chair her mom gave her. (Its former pattern was best left in the past.) Her mom had quickly recovered it with a sheet, but Daniela bought this cool fabric from IKEA. It took about two hours of major staple gun action, but you can't beat the price :)



Pawnshop Baby

Caption: What, you need a loan or something?

This one is 11 by 14.

In my back yard

When I moved into my house, I found a photo album in a trash can in the shed. These are the photos from that album - with captions. A lot of them seem to have been taken in my back yard.

Caption: Idiot.

Caption: This is gonna be a great evening.

Caption: Is this fun or what?

Caption:Mall ain't safe anymore. Probably nowhere is.

Caption: Yo, Yo, Yo! Wassup!

Caption: You saved my life.

Caption: I aint no criminal and I ain't complying with squat.

Caption: You'll do what you're told.

Caption: I'm the one you want.

Caption: Give it a whirl, girl!

Caption: Out for a stroll, dearie?

Caption: A man should face his fate like a man.