Holy mattress money

My friend LyAnne needed a fab headband for a wedding she was in, so this is what we came up with. We went to Michael's together to pick out elements that would match the jewelry she bought on Etsy. It turned out pretty good. 

Craft station for the stars!

I found a card catalog on the side of the road awhile back and couldn't pass it up. (I'm a big fan of libraries and organization and free stuff.) It was in pretty bad shape, though. 

I already had this dresser that I bought for $20 at a thrift store several years ago, but it also needed refinishing because it had paint spots on the top and the finish was peeling in places. 

So I sanded down both and refinished them. I repainted all the hardware to match. And I stacked them to make the Ultimate Craft Station. 

Oh, heck yeah!