Fancy holiday hair!

I had a fancy holiday party to attend this year, so I whipped up these bad boys to try out with my fancy dress. (I ended up going with the blue one.)

Holy mattress money

My friend LyAnne needed a fab headband for a wedding she was in, so this is what we came up with. We went to Michael's together to pick out elements that would match the jewelry she bought on Etsy. It turned out pretty good. 

Craft station for the stars!

I found a card catalog on the side of the road awhile back and couldn't pass it up. (I'm a big fan of libraries and organization and free stuff.) It was in pretty bad shape, though. 

I already had this dresser that I bought for $20 at a thrift store several years ago, but it also needed refinishing because it had paint spots on the top and the finish was peeling in places. 

So I sanded down both and refinished them. I repainted all the hardware to match. And I stacked them to make the Ultimate Craft Station. 

Oh, heck yeah!


I've been on a jewelry spurt lately since my boyfriend's mother offered to sell some earrings for me at her office. I cranked out a few pairs to sell before getting distracted and making a couple of necklaces for myself. :)  

A good yellow shoe is hard to find

You'd think it would be easy for a girl to find a good pair of yellow shoes. Not so here in Tampa, Florida. Lucky for me, I found a shoe repair store on Kennedy Boulevard that sells shoe spray paint. That's right, I said shoe spray paint. It's made for leather shoes. So I bought a can of yellow and some test shoes from a thrift store for $2.  

First I cleaned the shoes and taped the edges because I wanted to keep them black.

 Then I spray-painted them. It took several coats to cover the black, but they turned out pretty good. Next time I'm going to try polka dots. :)

Giddy-up, cowboy!

The cow is from a Sunday school lesson book from the 1960s, and the text is from a National Geographic story about rodeos in the '70s. The canvas is 5-by-5.

Don't shoot, shoot, shoot that thing at me

The gun and text on this 5-by-5 canvas came from a Shooter's Bible catalog from the 1970s.  

Door decorating

I've been looking for a wreath for a while, but I couldn't find one for less than $20 (which I think is the most God intended us to pay for a wreath). Plus, all the ones I came across had way too many flowers/fake fruits/wooden cutouts in them. I was just looking for something simple and cheap. So I finally broke down and made one with a simple twig base ($4.99 at Michael's) and some crazy fake orchids ($3.60 at Michaels).

I started by having my cat inspect the wreath base for flaws. She declared it satisfactory. 

Then I cut up the orchids. They came in bunches with leaves, so I pulled off all the leaves and saved just the flowers.  

Finally, I hot-glued it all together and hung it on my front door. In all, the project took about 5 minutes. :)

Flashbacks from Sunday school

My mom recently gave me some old Sunday school worksheets from when she was a little girl. I paired cut-outs from them with backgrounds from an old hymn book.