Recycling old picture frames

My mom gave me a bunch of old frames when she redecorated her house last year. I added a few others I had gathered and set out to make a hanging divider for my carport/back porch area.

Here's what I started with:

I painted the frames with leftover exterior house paint and then went over them with a final coat of high-gloss spray paint. Once they were dry, I arranged them and bound everything with some telephone wire a coworker gave me.

When I was ready to hang it all up, I connected the four top frames to a stabilizing metal rod (from the fencing aisle at Home Depot). I put up five or six nails and ... voila!

I made the frame divider to fit in front of this bamboo screen thing. Because the screen is a little too short, I spray-painted this piece of scrap wood to put at the bottom. I used weeds pulled out of my yard for stencils.

Etsy shop is updated!

I added some of the leftovers from the Heroes and Heroines show. So if you're looking for random wall art, check it out:

Dancing in the spotlight

My friends Phil and Nikki love to watch the dancing on TV. I made this for them out of old magazines, vintage music sheets and wrapping paper.

It is about 2 by 3 feet.

Baby got back!

Recovering with Daniela

Daniela and I got crazy and recovered this chair her mom gave her. (Its former pattern was best left in the past.) Her mom had quickly recovered it with a sheet, but Daniela bought this cool fabric from IKEA. It took about two hours of major staple gun action, but you can't beat the price :)

