Wind in a jar

I have an obsession with wind chimes. Whenever I see stray objects, I just want to string them together and hang them up. (So don't put your keys down around me.)

This one is made from an old jar, vintage hardware from kitchen cabinets, buttons and some pieces of colored glass. It's all held together with fishing line.

Run, Jessica, run!

My friend Jessica is a big-time runner, and her coach made her this board to stretch her legs during her warm-up. She asked me to paint it; thus, the sunflower stretching board. To keep her foot from sliding off of it, I used sandpaper for the leaves and the center of the flowers.

Easy dress

I picked up this super sweet polyester fabric at a local thrift store. The dress is three pieces of material - two bottom trapezoid-y pieces make up the empire-waist skirt and one long rectangular piece was sewn into a tube top and attached. In all, the dress probably took a yard of fabric, and the polyester was stretchy enough that I didn't need darts. A more motivated person could embellish the top and hem with ribbon or something fabulous. :)